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Basic Principles of Truck Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Mar. 05, 2021

In daily life, there is this experience: when you use alcohol, you will feel cold. This shows that when the liquid becomes a gas, it absorbs heat, thereby lowering the temperature. Truck Air Conditioning Refrigeration uses this basic principle. There are three main points:

1.When a liquid becomes a gas, it needs to absorb a lot of heat, the heat is absorbed and the temperature is reduced accordingly

2. The temperature change is not only related to the amount of heat contained in the object, but also related to the volume and mass of the object

3. The natural transfer of heat can only be transferred from high-temperature objects to low-temperature objects. If we want to radiate heat from the car compartment at 25°C to the outside of the car at 35°C, we must rely on mechanical equipment and power consumption. These equipment and related accessories constitute the truck air conditioning refrigeration device.

Truck Air Conditioning

Truck Air Conditioning

The Truck Air Conditioning System uses the refrigerant to evaporate in the device and absorbs the heat of the air inside the vehicle, thereby reducing the air temperature and achieving the purpose of refrigeration.

A general refrigeration device is mainly composed of a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, an evaporator and connecting pipelines, and four basic cycles of compression, condensation, pressure reduction, throttling, and evaporation have been realized.

Compression process:

After starting the truck's air-conditioning system, the compressor starts to work under the power of the engine, driving the refrigerant to circulate in the sealed air-conditioning system. The compressor compresses the low-temperature and low-pressure gaseous refrigerant flowing back from the evaporator into high-temperature and high-pressure gas to be discharged from the compressor.

Condensation process:

The high-temperature and high-pressure recipe gas enters the condenser through the pipeline, dissipates heat in the condenser, decreases in temperature, and condenses into a liquid recipe, flows out of the condenser, enters the dryer, and flows along the pipeline in a liquid state after being dried and filtered.

Throttle process:

The temperature of the high-pressure liquid refrigerant before entering the expansion is twisted high, the refrigerant in this state is throttled and expanded in the expansion valve, the pressure drops, and evaporates into a gaseous state.

Evaporation process:

When the refrigerant evaporates into a gaseous state, a large amount of the temperature of the air flowing through the evaporator in the car needs to be absorbed, thereby reducing the temperature and achieving the purpose of refrigeration. The agent in the evaporator evaporates completely, the temperature rises, and the machine does not continue to cycle.

At the same time, when the hot and humid air encounters the cooling fins on the back of the cold evaporator surface, it condenses into water and is discharged from the evaporator to the outside of the car.

If necessary, please feel free to contact the Truck Air Conditioner Supplier

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