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Truck A/C
Semi Truck Parking Cooler for Idle Elimination DL-2000F1
Topleader Truck Electric APU is designed to work both while the vehicle is running to provide additional cooling and also when parked up with the engine turned off!.A Class 8 truck consumes approximately 1 gallon of diesel fuel per hour while idling at night to keep its driver comfortable in the sleeper cab. Many trucks idle up to 2,500 hours per annually.
Semi Truck Sleeper Cab Air Conditioner for Parking 12V/24V (DL-2600FT)
Truck Parking Air Conditioner,the perfect solution for overnight rest in the truck cabin as well as loading and unloading operations and compulsory stoppage periods.
Idle Free Semi Truck Cab Air Conditioner Battery APU (DL-2600F)
Truck Air Conditioner eAPU,100% Environmentally Friendly – by Shutting the Engine off During Operation
Product List
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